Unlock Your Full Potential with Business, Breathwork & Mindset Coaching

Do you find yourself thinking, "There has to be more" to success? Do you feel unfulfilled and unsupported? Has your high-achieving come at a price and got you caught in a cycle of self-sabotage and self-soothing behaviors that hinder your progress? Do you feel your leadership skills are not as impactful as they once were, and overall, you have no clue how to sustain where you are at, let alone go to the next level?

Success from the Inside Out

Success from the Inside Out

Welcome, you are in the right place!

I specialize in helping accomplished executives and entrepreneurs like you reignite the fire within and reclaim your authentic purpose. I do this by helping you navigate your internal world and doing "the work" without feeling like you have to process for months before seeing results!

People who hire me are action-takers who have gotten off the path and are ready to find true fulfillment without their business suffering. As a matter of fact, it always grows because you are the engine, and when you are running at optimum health, mind, body, and spirit, there isn't anything you can't accomplish.

Ready to Reclaim Your Power?

If what used to work for you is no longer yielding results, it's a clear sign that it's time for a change.

When we work together, I help you rediscover your inner powerhouse by healing limiting beliefs that are stifling your growth and creating results that align with your authentic purpose.

Together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and achievement. It's time to transform you and your success from the inside out.

Book your discovery call below, and let’s determine your next steps.

“if someone were considering hiring sophie, what would you tell them?”

  • "That they should absolutely go for it. Sophie is such a master at what she does. It actually feels expansive just being in her presence. The support and guidance she has given has gotten me through a lot in both my personal life and my business."

    Joanne W.

  • "I would absolutely recommend Sophie to anyone that has their own business. She also would be great for someone in sales or real estate. The best thing about working with Sophie is that she makes sure that you are ready internally and externally to launch or grow your business. She will guide you with all of the tools that you need!"

    Tracey H.

  • "Sophie is seriously GOLD. If you are called ot work with her, take the leap, no matter where you are in your business or journey, you will never regret investing in yourself when you hire her. She is so committed to your success and her heart comes through with that."

    Dahlya S.

  • "You have to be ready to jump because Sophie is ready to jump for you as she believes in you. Its so powerful you start to believe in yourself too!!"

    Stacie N.

  • "Do it, do it, do it. I'm planning on working with her again because it was that powerful for my business."

    Alexis O.

  • "Do it- it will be more than worth the investment."

    Juliet H.